
Featured resources

Useful websites + tools

This list of helpful websites, tools, websites, and services is geared specifically toward small and medium-sized news publishers.

Handbook: ChatGPT for local news publishers

A handbook for small newsrooms and local publishers, created by Joe Amditis.

Beginner's guide to custom GPTs

A beginner’s guide to creating custom GPTs for local news publishers, created by Joe Amditis.

Beginner's guide to DALL-E 3

A guide to getting started with DALL-E 3, one of the most advanced image generation tools on the market right now, created by Joe Amditis.

Reporting guides

A selection of tips and guidelines for reporting on underrepresented, vulnerable, and/or marginalized communities.

Live events workbook from API

This workbook from the American Press Institute brings together the knowledge of more than 20 experts and local news organizations who excel in the live events space.

Project management in newsrooms

Running a newsroom ultimately comes down to good project management. Good project management is hard to find in newsrooms, which traditionally didn’t hire professional project managers.

Google Slides template

Here’s a free and simple Google Slides template you can copy and use for any presentations or events you have coming up!

Earned revenue

Google News Initiative and INN released the Nonprofit News Guide to Earned Revenue — a comprehensive “playbook” showing nonprofit newsrooms how to grow revenue from display advertising, event sponsorships, sponsored content, and other earned revenue sources.

Caplan digital toolkit

Every year, the entrepreneurial journalism professor at the Newark Graduate School of Journalism, Jeremy Caplan, puts together a list of INCREDIBLY useful tools for journalists.

Newsletter guide

A 201-level guide from the Lenfest Institute for News on how to take your newsletters to the next level — growing the lists, making money, and more.

Audience Explorer

The Audience Explorer dashboard  is a free, easy-to-use analytics tool by Ned Berke for small and medium-sized publishers.

Republish free content

Here’s how local news outlets can access quality national content at no cost to you.

Legal resources

NOTE: None of these resources should be construed as legal advice; please consult a licensed attorney for specific questions about the law and inquiries related to your situation.

How to start a news site

A YouTube playlist with information about starting a local news site featuring tips from NJ news entrepreneurs.

Chart design principles

An introduction to Google’s new data visualization guidelines – covering everything from color, shape, typography, iconography, interaction, and motion.

Image verification

Fake images and videos are becoming harder to spot. This list of tools, compiled by the International Journalists Network can help us figure out if what we’re seeing is actually real.

Starting your own media company

The definitive guide to starting your own media company, from The Nation. Or, how to throw off the corporate shackles and launch an independent news outlet

Other resources

Events Guide
A guide from the Local News Lab on how news events can foster engagement and expand revenue.

Crowdfunding guide
A guide from the Local News Lab on how to build lasting revenue and relationships through crowdfunding campaigns.

Data and Technology
A list of technology resources for journalists, from links to online classes in coding and website building to a wide variety of data sources on information related to New Jersey.

Professional Organizations
Links for professional organizations supporting journalists and news media.

Small Business Assistance
Sources for small businesses in New Jersey, including post-Sandy help, starting your own business, and resources to help grow and support a small business.

How to Get Credentials
A step-by-step guide for obtaining news credentials in New Jersey.

Journalism Blogs
Blogs, podcasts and radio stations discussing journalism and the news media.

Legal Resources from Poynter
A list of legal resources for journalists, including contact information for libel/media insurance brokers, as well as a free online media law class offered by Poynter.

Links to Open Public Records
Information about the Open Public Records Act (OPRA), including where and how to file a request.

OPRA Lawyers
A list of lawyers who take OPRA cases on contingency.

Training Links
Links to free online training sources, how-to videos from YouTube, and style guides.

Did we miss something? Send us an email at [email protected] and let us know what else we should add to this list!

NOTE: The Center for Cooperative Media is not necessarily affiliated with any of the organizations or companies listed above, does not provide legal advice, and lists these resources for informational purposes only. Links to these resources are not intended to state or imply that the Center sponsors, endorses, or is affiliated or associated with those organizations, nor that the Center is legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may be reflected in or accessed through the links.